group cheering around campfire

Summer Camp

Summer Camp
Info 2025

Dear Parents/Guardians:

We have been busy preparing for another exciting summer of fun and adventure at Millstone 4-H Camp and we are so glad that your child will be joining us!

Prior to your child's camp session this summer, please complete the online forms in our registration portal, Reporter. All forms must be completed in their entirety prior to your opening day. The health exam must have been done within 12 months of your child's arrival at camp and must be signed by a licensed medical personnel. If you have attended camp at Millstone before, please remember that a new form is required each year. Due to current regulations, if the form is not fully complete your child will not be permitted to stay at camp. Please bring the health exam with you on Opening Day or upload it onto our portal prior to Opening Day.

Other items included in this packet are a schedule of check-in and check-out times for each camp, a packing list, and general information.

We look forward to having your child with us. If you have any other questions please let me know.

*FFG Camp will receive additional packing information*

Thank you,

Jessica Wiles
Program Director
Millstone 4-H Camp
[email protected]

Summer Camp Check-In & Check-Out Times

4-H Overnight Camp
2 - 4 PM
10 AM
Cloverbud Camp
2 - 4 PM
2 PM
Fur, Fish, & Game Camp
2 - 4 PM
10 AM

* Closing ceremony starts at 9AM

Note: Earlier/later camper pick up and or drop off times must be approved by the Program Director prior to arrival.

Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

What does the cost include?

The price of camp includes meals, lodging, activities, camper t-shirt, camp store credit of $15 ($10 covers drink and snack each day, $5 for merchandise), and limited personal accident insurance. Modest amounts of spending money can be added to campers’ store credit, but is not necessary.

Camp is limited to 96 campers. Should camp reach full capacity, unconfirmed applicants will be placed on a waiting list. Campers will be notified of their acceptance.

Fees will be refunded only under the following conditions:

1) Camper is sick and illness is verified by the attending physician's certification.

2) Death in the camper’s family or other serious emergencies.

3) If the camper’s registration is not accepted.

Please contact the camp director if this need arises.

Millstone 4-H Center is located on a paved road between U.S. 1 at Hoffman and U.S. 220 at Ellerbe. Directional markers are posted along this road.

The camp mailing address is: Millstone 4-H Camp, 1296 Mallard Drive, Ellerbe, NC 28338

Parents can contact the Millstone 4-H Camp office at (910) 652-5905 in the event of an emergency.

Youth will not be permitted use of the telephone except during an emergency. Cell phones are strictly forbidden!

Please do not check-in prior to your designated check-in time as camp staff will not be ready. Youth will be assigned to cabins by school grade. If campers wish to be assigned to the same cabin, they must notify the camp office at least three weeks prior to camp.

*Cabin mate requests are only accepted if they are mutually requested.

Please do not check-in prior to your designated check-in time as camp staff will not be ready. Youth will be assigned to cabins by school grade. If campers wish to be assigned to the same cabin, they must notify the camp office at least three weeks prior to camp.

*Cabin mate requests are only accepted if they are mutually requested.

If your camper is admitted to the camp infirmary for an illness or injury, you will be notified. If it is determined that the illness could be contagious, you will be asked to pick them up.

Campers who break the 4-H Code of Conduct are subject to being sent home. You will be asked to pick them up, if so.

Every activity at Millstone 4-H Camp is “Challenge by Choice”. Campers may have the opportunity to participate in the following activities and more:

• Swimming • Riflery • Archery • Field Games • Dancing • Challenge Course • Paddle Sports • Fishing • Arts & Crafts • Nature Appreciation • Teambuilding

A group accident and health policy is included in the registration fee.